My name’s Patricia. I’m a recent law school graduate who has no intention of becoming a lawyer, but intends to (eventually) pay off five years’ worth of student debt! This mission has been made all the more difficult by my incessant (and expensive) desire to travel the world and save all the animals in the process. Aside from browsing flights online and cuddling the furry and feathered residents at animal sanctuaries, you can find me gymming, thrifting, eating or bingeing Netflix’s latest wildlife documentary.
This blog has been many years in the making and finally came about once I gained a deeper appreciation of the abundance of opportunity and scarcity of time. Thus, By Patricia Lee is a natural product of my lifelong journey to self-actualisation. My hope is that I can inspire you (and continue to inspire myself) to live a life (and make a living) that is in true alignment with our values and fulfils our wildest hopes and dreams!
“You will never know how far you can go by staying where you are”
– unknown